Root-cause healing



The one works matrix

Hello, I’m Kristen

my life’s mission is to empower women to heal on emotional, mental, and spirtual levels which ultimately propels them forward on their path to healing chronic symptoms.

I’m so excited you’re here!

Let me just start by saying, I’ve been in your shoes. I’ve experienced the struggle that is countless chronic symptoms and the endless amounts of uncertainty and ambiguity that is our healthcare system. I know that when you’re in the thick of it, navigating the constant ups-and-downs of chronic illness, it feels like you’re never going to reach the light at the end of the tunnel.

Oftentimes, you’ll even wonder if there is one.

And, that’s where I come in.

Allow me to be your little glimmer of hope!

I tried everything to heal my chronic dis-ease and spent way too much time (and money) focusing on the wrong things. The answers to my health problems were not lying in the hands of a this doctor or that specialist, or this supplement or that diet, or this immune therapy or that detox regimen.

The answers to my health problems were within me the entire time.

I spent a good portion of my life people pleasing, sabotaging my own health, diminishing my own light, and neglecting my needs. This translates to years and years of emotional suppression and ignorance of my innate body wisdom. My true essence was submerged and I was manifesting physical illness in a big way without even knowing it.

After years of deep work, peeling back the layers, truly getting aligned, and bringing my needs into focus, I was able to open myself up to the wisdom of my own body and discover all the ways in which healing is a side effect of realigning to our highest good.

Yep, that’s right…Healing is a side effect of realigning.

Our body is constantly working to heal us. It knows the way. It loves us deeply.

Its primary focus, through and through, is to keep us safe. We simply have to create the perfect conditions for it to do so.

When we shift the narrative from ‘my body hates me, why is it doing this to me, why is it causing me so much pain’ to ‘what is my body trying to tell me’ — we step out of victim mode and turn on our natural ability and innate power to heal.

When open ourselves up to the fact that the symptoms and wounds that we experience are also the pathways to freedom and healing - our experience changes.

You can take all of the supplements in the world, and yes they serve their purpose but if there is something within you that is triggering inflammation, or leaky gut, or a deficiency of some sort, supplementation isn’t going to to sh*t. A healed and regulated nervous system triggers a healing response within the body.

Symptoms are proof that all systems are a go.

Symptoms are proof that your body is functioning perfectly! It’s time to express gratitude towards these physical sensations and stop blaming your body for your health issues. Symptoms are signaling that there is energy that needs to be moved.

Finally, healing doesn’t happen in theory.

Healing takes commitment, practice, and embodiment.

Healing means showing up and consciously making different choices..

It is my greatest passion to act as your guide on this journey; to help heal from old wounds, to guide you towards awakening the true essence of all that you are and support you in recovery from chronic health conditions.

We are sovereign beings. You have more power over your health than you realize.

And, I firmly believe that almost anything can be healed when you do the work!

jumpstart your healing journey

jumpstart your healing journey

  • “It’s more important to know what sort of person has a disease than to know what sort of disease a person has.”


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